I'm feeling macabre in a quirky and mischievous way today.
I stayed up late writing. I let myself catch up on much needed sleep. I also took a little time to rejuvenate in other ways as well. I shared a pleasant, if late, breakfast of fresh fruits, a scone, juice and coffee with my decadent husband. Since I finished Shea MacLeod's Kissed by Darkness on the subway the other day and am eagerly waiting the sequel, Kissed by Fire, coming in August, I downloaded a few other genre samples and even one free ebook. I finished one of those samples and am unsure if I want to get the full story yet. As I have other things demanding my attention, I'll let the sample simmer a few days before deciding whether to purchase or not.
Now, I have the apartment to myself. My decadent husband has so kindly carted the laundry to the laundry-mat and is dutifully standing by until it's all washed and dried before folding and carting it back home, all on foot. We indulged a little too much the last several weeks--what with the visit to some of my in-laws in Ohio, purchasing much needed summer wear and work wear, and a little extra time off for creative pursuits--so we're doing the fiscally responsible thing by not having laundry picked up and delivered. One day, we will have our own washer and dryer in our own apartment (or house!)... le sigh.
...And I'm cutting off that train of thought before it becomes a daydream in need of slaying. Go away daydreams! Grawr!
I've put on Netflix to run in the background for ambiance. Today's lineup will involve alternating episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. I've got a full pot of French Market Coffee (with chicory, yum) and a fresh cup steaming beside my computer as well as a full pack of cigarettes (yes, I know, I'm despicable and lethargically suicidal for my weakness in this dreadful addiction, and one day I'll be sorry for it, if not already, ~_~ooo). I've got the blinds open to remind me of the world outside my own tiny little realm and the air conditioner on so that the sticky heat won't be too much of a distraction. Summer and I are not the best of companions; I miss winter. I've got fangs and veins and nefarious machinations swirling in my brain like hot fudge saucing chilled ice cream. In fact, I've even got some of the latter in the freezer (butter pecan, to be exact), just in case I need a sweet creamy jolt.
I've also got this article by in the back of my mind, a wiggling little worm that's comparing my characters' behaviors to the pitfalls it discusses. If I'm lucky, I won't get obsessed with it. ~_~ooo If I'm really lucky, I'll achieve so much progress on the next few chapters that I'll have time to explore my own musings regarding the curious tenets brought up in that article in an additional post.
Further back in my mind is my upcoming gig for early tomorrow morning. The producer wants me ready to prompt by the time they plan to shoot. To do so would require time with the script tonight because there's very little time between arrival at the public outdoor site, setting up my equipment, and shooting. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten the script yet. I also need to look up my subway route to the site. That early in the morning can be a little trickier for trains and buses both, even with NYCs vast public transportation system.
Okay, and now that I wrote about the pesky "day job," it's moved to the forefront of my thoughts. Oops. Think blood, romance, fangs, doom, fear, and seduction... Sunday Bloody Sundaes. ~_~ooo
Hmm... there's the good stuff. :D
Thank you for indulging... (me).
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