Thursday, October 2, 2014

No, Baby, Daddy's Head Does Not Come Off

For your childish nostalgia and fellow fans of creepy-fun movies, books, and more, I present an amusing story regarding my one-and-a-half year old...

In preparation for the upcoming Halloween-through-Christmas seasonal festivities, my husband and I showed our wee angel-imp of a daughter The Nightmare Before Christmas.  As anticipated, the music, the genre, and our own infectious enjoyment of it compelled it to be a hit for her.

However, while she is known to duplicate dances and heavily-musical scenes in things she's watched (like Pooh Bear's entire Up, Down, Touch the Ground routine from The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh, the seemingly random performance of which is how she tells us she wants to watch it, btw, lol), her choice of mimicry for The Nightmare Before Christmas may be, by far, the most amusing.

Image by xSoulOnFire88x
Inspired by and in imitation of Jack's Lament, our precocious angel-imp of a daughter has valiantly tried, not just once, but twice so far, to take off her daddy's head. Her daddy was, at first, quite confused as to what her tugs on his head were for until she added the "To recite Shakespearean quotations" gesture with much flourish and gusto despite the failure of daddy's-head-removal.

I am so proud of her for this. Tee hee.

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